Sweet is not exactly a word that describes me, but my husband set up my blog, and that is what he named it. Seeing that he is my biggest fan, how could I change it?

Saturday, November 3, 2012

J.B. Bond

                                                                J.B. and Jean Bond

My children and I sometime play a game to see if they can name my 5 favorite people in the world.  One person they always know is J.B. Bond.  J.B., originally from Mississippi, coached at Mississippi State, before going to Dallas Theological Seminary.  He then became the pastor of Countryside Church in Stillwater, Ok.  For the two years we lived in Stillwater, we attended his church.  Through his teaching, I became grounded in the scripture, and got a clearer understanding of it.  To this day, he is still my favorite teacher.  Fortunately for me, years of his teaching can be found on the church's  website.  I can honestly say that J.B. is the kind of individual that truly loves almost everyone.  God put him in my life during a time when I need someone like him, not only to teach me, but guide me through a difficult period.  Not only was he my pastor, but my counselor and most of all my friend.

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