Sweet is not exactly a word that describes me, but my husband set up my blog, and that is what he named it. Seeing that he is my biggest fan, how could I change it?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I'm not feeling very thankful today, so I decided to post something that I am really grateful for.  It is The American College Of The Building Arts in Charleston, SC  and the individuals that run the school.  ACBA is the only college in the country to offer an associate and bachelor degree in applied science in the building arts.  It is dedicated to educating the next generation of building artisans and trains them in exceptional craftsmanship and encourages the preservation of the world's architectural heritage.  The school is located in The Old City Jail of Charleston, that dates back to 1802.

This is where my son Dixon is a freshman.  He loves it, and couldn't be happier.  How many people get an email from the student director that tells you that your son needs a care package and to send cookies?  This is one of the many perks of a small school.  They care about each student and know each one by name.  He actually likes school (and the fact that it is located in Charleston doesn't hurt).  So, today I am thankful for Lucas Adams and the others that take a personal interest in my son.

1 comment:

  1. What a great setting for the students. Not so sure about the email from the administrator--sounds like D and some friends may have hacked into an email account and sent the messsage just to get some homemade cookies. :-)

    I am so thankful for you, your creativity, and your insights on life and living.
