Sweet is not exactly a word that describes me, but my husband set up my blog, and that is what he named it. Seeing that he is my biggest fan, how could I change it?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Summer Haze

                                                                          24 x 24
                                                                    Mixed Media
                                                                         ( Sold)                                              
Why are we always wanting validation from someone, be it a parent, sibling, friend, or social circle to be OK? Why can't we be comfortable in our own skin and not give a flip about what they think? When will we grow out of this and just not care? That is the question of the day.

It use to be my personality that I worried about, but I think for the most part I've just accepted that is how God made me, and He can use my openness, sometime volatile behavior, or even my Eeyore days for His glory. It is other areas in my life that I struggle with today. I know the answer is spiritual, but I am simply not there yet.

On a different note, for those who know my daughter Gwynn and the migraines that she suffers with usually during the Fall, and that continue for months, even to the point she has to be hospitalized, please pray that this cycle will be broken early. Thanks.
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  1. good post and painting! sorry about gwynn's headaches and hope those boogers fly the coop soon.... be gone bad headaches!

  2. Cissy!! You are such an awesome encouragment to me as we travel this art road together!!! Im loving this mix media world. Its so welcoming and creative! I love what you are doing! Its beautiful! I did not know about your baby's migraines My boys have them occasionally and oddly enough my 11th grader had 3 just this week, kinda weird. So I will pray for your baby when I pray for mine!!! love love love
