Sweet is not exactly a word that describes me, but my husband set up my blog, and that is what he named it. Seeing that he is my biggest fan, how could I change it?

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I have two things I want to talk about today. First being my friend Leslie Saeta. I had the pleasure of taking an oil painting class from Leslie and Dreama Tolle Perry this winter. It was a wonderful, fun experience. This painting today is a "Leslie style". Her favorite subjects are boats, and she only uses a palette knife. You can find Leslie's work at www.saetastudio.com.

The other thing I want to talk about is honesty. That's the word that I've been struggling with this week. After reading my blog, a couple of people were either upset over my openness, or made the comment that maybe I should not be so transparent and leave certain subjects alone and untalked about. My first reaction was "well, I'll never blog again because I can't not be honest about what I am feeling". For so many years, I lived a life of dishonesty and kept my true feelings buried and I simply will not or can not do that any more. Being able to share certain experiences and life lessons has been very healing for me. The last thing I want to do is hurt someone with what I talk about. So, to the few people that have read my blog, and have encouraged me, thank you. And if any of you have a comment or suggestion on this subject, I would appreciate it, because I'm still unsettled with it.
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  1. Beautiful painting Cissy! Love those reflections. My only thought on your blog is that it is YOUR blog. It should be whatever you want it to be and will reflect that. I have enjoyed getting to know you and am proud of how much painting and how well you are doing. Keep it up girl:)

  2. Cissy,
    I think you know what I think. Being transparent and honest is the only way to heal. Your honesty is an opportunity for us to see God's grace in His people. Thank you, thank you for being you.

  3. Cis - I will again remind you of one my favorite quotes: "Say what you mean because those you mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind!" Girl - you keep on being you. We are all equal participants in this earthly journey. Brush it off, chin up, shoulders back, and keep on keeping on! (or keep on truckin' as we used to say in the 70's!) xoxoxoxo Love the painting too!
