Sweet is not exactly a word that describes me, but my husband set up my blog, and that is what he named it. Seeing that he is my biggest fan, how could I change it?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Another Day In New York

                                                                             30 x 48
Goodness! It's been a week since I last posted. It's not that I haven't been painting. Actually, I've simultaneously been working on three different ones, but none are ready to post, so I'm showing you another cityscape that is at VIEW GALLERY.

As I was driving home from taking my daughter to school, I was thinking about what I wanted to talk about today, but once again, I sounded like such a Debbie Downer. I wish I had something happy and fun to share with you, but things have kind of been the same around here. Either the children are fighting, someone is heartbroken, or Dixon always reminding me that it's OK, and that he loves me. You know, the typical teenager stuff. I wish I was always positive on my blog like my friend Ruthie. So, if you want to visit an uplifting, fun site, you need to follow ruthiecarlson.blogspot.com. Ruthie is a wonderful artist from Alabama. I especially like her latest mixed media piece. Her outlook on life really reflects in her work.

This, then led me to think about how my friend Phyllis described me weeks ago. She said "you are just kind of melancholy". I thought "great, just what I want to be known as, an Eeyore". So, I didn't talk to her for a while!!! No, not really. We were on a trip together, and I just laugh about it, and thought, "well, my nickname my friends gave me in Italy last year was Lolita". I know you are wondering why Lolita. All I can say is the over used saying "what happens in Italy, stays in Italy!!!". (Now, if it was really that bad, would I be sharing it on my blog for my my husband and mother to read?) So, if I had to pick between an Eeyore personality or a Lolita one, I think I would pick Lolita. A rated PG Lolita, of course!
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  1. Cissy - I love this painting. I'm really really liking your city-scapes! But I didn't comment on your post immediately because I wanted to think about what to say, especially regarding the fact that you say you wish you were like Ruthie because she is always positive. I love Ruthie; she is an absolute doll. But she is who she is and you are who you are.
    One of my other artist friends posted a quote today and I thought of you so here it is: "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma -- which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition." —Steve Jobs

    I just wanted to share that with you, and my guess is that you are more of a Lolita than you even think you are! xoxoxo

  2. Thank you Lisa. This is why your friendship means so much to me.
