Sweet is not exactly a word that describes me, but my husband set up my blog, and that is what he named it. Seeing that he is my biggest fan, how could I change it?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Ode To Prada!

What a day yesterday was!  First thing was that my big commission piece was a hit!  My precious friend and supporter of my work, Blair, was the one that got me the commission from her friend.  When I showed Blair it yesterday, I could tell she was a little worried.  So, I took it home and worked on it again.  I had the "what the heck" attitude, and just started changing the design and colors all up.  I put more "ME" in it.  When I showed it to her today, she loved it, and said she was sure her friend would too.

Then 5 minutes later, I stopped by the gas station to get just a couple of dollars of gas.  While I was filling up my car, someone opened my driver side door, reached over to the passenger side and stole my Prada purse, which had my cell phone in it, appointment calendar, etc.  Now,  those that know me, know I'm not an extravagant dresser. On most given days, you will find me in jeans and a shirt from Target.  But I loved my Prada purse.  What girl wouldn't?   Needless to say, I was furious.  I never left the gas pump, and they did it right in front of me.  How stupid did I feel?

Then it took reading the Blog of a 15 yr old boy, whose mother is one of my artist "Black Eye Pea" friends, to get me really calmed down and Ok with it.  His post quoted a verse.  "Rejoice, again I say rejoice".  In hard times, trust Him and rejoice.  Instantly I was better.  I was still upset, yes, but it could have been my car stolen, or hijacked with one of my children in it.  So thank you Fox for your reminder.

So, what did I do last night?  Started painting something fun, fast, and different.  Pears and flowers.  Abstract ones.  How fun was that! It was all in my attitude.  Sorry about the Prada,  but proud of my Pears! 


  1. Awh Cissy- Sorry about the Prada also but you are safe- your kids are safe and LOOK at these paintings! Fabulous....crazy world today...glad you are fine and keep painting!

  2. Great post Cissy! What a day! Your pairs are wonderful!!!! You should do more! And I would love to see your commissioned work too! Way to go! Thanks for encouraging Fox! He was so fired up that someone besides me reads his blog! love love love
