Sweet is not exactly a word that describes me, but my husband set up my blog, and that is what he named it. Seeing that he is my biggest fan, how could I change it?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Hug And A Kiss

                                                               16 X 20 on panel
                                                                  Mixed Media

Where has the summer gone?  School starts this week for the girls, and Dixon leaves soon after that.  I will soon get in the routine of packing lunches, working part-time, walking Crockett, then waiting for the girls to come home and tell me about their day.  The art projects will start again, and will soon take over my studio.  Yearbook, journalism, and trigonometry will be the topics around the house.

The house will be strange without Dixon around keeping the peace.  We will all look forward to Thanksgiving to see him again.  I will learn to Skype, so I can talk to him and see his face.  Then, prepare myself to send off Gwynn the following year.    Honestly, it makes me very sad, and I predict that you will hear about it often as I write my blog.  So any advice is welcome if you have some to share.

1 comment:

  1. Cissy,
    Your thoughts echo my own. Kathryn just left today for her sophomore year at Clemson~that goodbye still gets me. I vividly remember sending off Spencer first~he too was the peacekeeper. While he was missed madly, what fun to watch him grow, mature and learn to appreciate home. It was also a gifted time to watch Taylor and his sister become friends. Like Gwynn, Taylor left the year after Spencer. Times will be different but it sounds like you have wonderful ways to spend your time. Blessings! Susan
