Sweet is not exactly a word that describes me, but my husband set up my blog, and that is what he named it. Seeing that he is my biggest fan, how could I change it?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

And God Sent A Fly...

                                                                 Mix Media Collage

 Tommy first started practicing surgery in Lenior, NC.  Dixon was 3 yrs old at this time, while Gwynn was 2.  One afternoon, I was in my bedroom trying to take a nap, however there was a fly that kept on pestering me, therefore preventing me from going to sleep.  Tommy and a friend were in the living room visiting.  Frustrated, I stuck my head out of the bedroom door and asked Tommy to please come and kill this fly for me.  As I was trying to coax him into helping me, I thought I smelt smoke and asked  them if they did.  They said they hadn't smelt anything.  One things I have is a strong sense of smell, so I didn't trust them.  I ran upstairs to Dixon's room where he was taking a nap.  He had a small little lamp that clasped onto his bed that he used to "read" by.  He obviously had been using it before he fell asleep, and somehow it had come unclasped and had fallen on one of his stuff animals.  The toy was smoldering and a large hole was being burned into it.  Of course, I screamed for the guys, who then ran upstairs to help with the burning Henry Dog.  Other than a scared child, fortunately for us, poor Henry was the only thing hurt.

This incident reminds me of the story in Jonah where God sent a worm to teach Jonah a lesson. (Jonah 4:7)  For me, God sent a fly to pester me, so that I would then smell the fire smoldering in my child's bed.  He can use even an insect to show us, his children, his unfailing love.  This story is just one of the many miracles I have seen in my life.

This story has nothing really to do with the painting I posted today.  It is a collage I made for Dixon to take with him to college.  It is an accumulation of things that were part of his life over the past several years, especially his high school years.  So in a way, it has everything to do with the story I shared.  It is a painting of blessings that God has given me and my son.  All three of my children are indeed blessings to me.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


                                                              Mix Media On Panel
                                                                       20 x 20

I've painted several pieces in the last week.  I guess I'm making up for my hiatus over the summer.  This is a new style for me.  I am still searching for "me", simply because I haven't been satisfied with my work lately, and I am determine to stretch myself and grow.   My husband told me this week that it takes an individual 10,000 hours to become an expert and a master in something.  So, I guess when I'm 80, I'll finally get there.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

First Day

Today was Gwynn's first day as a Senior and Grace's first day at Madison Central High School.  It seems like I just did this with Dixon in the photo, but that was 12 months ago.  He is upstairs asleep and missed all the activity.   It is amazing how fast time flies.

It was a little hectic this morning.  They wanted to get to school early, so everything was rushed.  However, if it is anything like last year,  it will be the last time they will be early.   The greatest thing for me is that I no longer have to take carpool!

This time next year, it will only Grace in the photo.

Monday, August 6, 2012


                                                                          11 x 14
                                                                       Mix Media

I love painting with these colors.  They remind me of the ocean, where I can sit, relax and just enjoy God's beautiful work.  I always come away feeling renewed and more in touch with Him.  I don't go to the beach as often as I would like, so I guess that is one reason why I am drawn to these colors.  I imagine myself looking into the ocean, and I feel a sense of peace.  I hope this painting does the same for you.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Hug And A Kiss

                                                               16 X 20 on panel
                                                                  Mixed Media

Where has the summer gone?  School starts this week for the girls, and Dixon leaves soon after that.  I will soon get in the routine of packing lunches, working part-time, walking Crockett, then waiting for the girls to come home and tell me about their day.  The art projects will start again, and will soon take over my studio.  Yearbook, journalism, and trigonometry will be the topics around the house.

The house will be strange without Dixon around keeping the peace.  We will all look forward to Thanksgiving to see him again.  I will learn to Skype, so I can talk to him and see his face.  Then, prepare myself to send off Gwynn the following year.    Honestly, it makes me very sad, and I predict that you will hear about it often as I write my blog.  So any advice is welcome if you have some to share.