Sweet is not exactly a word that describes me, but my husband set up my blog, and that is what he named it. Seeing that he is my biggest fan, how could I change it?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New York In Summer

                                                                           36 x 36
                                                                           ( Sold )

Why is it that when you try to do the right thing, take a stand in defense of an individual or cause, you come out looking negative and judgmental? That was never in your heart, and your intent was simply to bring everyone together and make a wrong right, yet you come out "the bad guy". This is what happened this week, and it is very discouraging and upsetting.

Trust me, I wish I was a person that could sit back and let others fight the battles, but that is not the personality that God gave me, especially when it has to do with a child. Do I like having to do this? No. Do I like the way it makes me feel? No. But I know the injustices in life and the pain that each of us feel, so I would do it again, in spite of the way it has made others feel about me. All I can do today, is trust God in this circumstance, and know that He knows the intent of my heart.
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  1. Love the painting and yes, trust God and continue in boldness and courage to stand up for what is right.

  2. Cissy your posts are so honest and fun to read. Sorry to see the turmoil. This to shall pass.
