Sweet is not exactly a word that describes me, but my husband set up my blog, and that is what he named it. Seeing that he is my biggest fan, how could I change it?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

"In The Beginning..."

24 x 30

This painting reminded me of the creation of the world.  Out of nothing, God made the heavens and the earth.  The earth was formless until He made the waters and land.  It's that amazing?  How can we not trust our everyday lives and problems to one that did that?  I know I'm guilty of trying to fix things myself, the way I want it to go, but somehow, He always wins because His way is better.  Why is that so hard for us to grasp?  After all, He is the Creator of the Universe.
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Bowl Of Lemons

16 x 20
Mixed Media

The other day, Phyllis, the owner of VIEW GALLERY where I show my work, showed me a beautiful still life painting.  It made my heart hurt because I loved it and wished I could paint something so wonderful.  I have no professional training, and I long to put on canvas the quality of work I see others do.  I'm really not interested in doing realistic paintings, but more traditional with a contemporary look.  I also want to do contemporary landscapes.  I've just been too scared to try.

So, I'm being brave and showing you my first attempt of a still life, in the hopes that you will see an improvement as I continue to try and paint these.  Hopefully, we can laugh at this one, one day!

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Fighting Fire With Fire

                                                                              30 x 40

For the past several nights, the antagonist from my past has shown up in my dreams.  Although I am no longer associated with them in these dreams, they still try to demoralize me, and I feel isolated and abandoned from those I trusted and cared for.

I wake up feeling unsettled and a little depressed.  These nightmares are not as common as they use to be, and I can't help but wonder what has brought them on, and how I can get a handle on what is really bothering me.

I believe it is because someone whom I called my friend and have cared for has hurt me by totally annihilating my feelings as a person.  I believed we had a mutual trust and understanding, yet I feel so abandoned and insignificant.

My first response has been to just lump them in with the so many others in my past that had called me friend, and then let me down, and guard myself from becoming vulnerable to people in the future.  But, I'm choosing not to let myself go down that path.

I was just at a party last night, surrounded by individuals that I know love and care for me.  There were a handful there that continued to care for me in my "lost years" and believed and prayed for my return.  Then, there are the 2 or 3 that I've become friends with since returning home 3 yrs ago.  These are the people that matter.  I am indeed blessed to have them.  There will always be individuals that will let us down, but more importantly is for me to remember I have those that really care and support me, in spite of my past and many, many flaws.  I think I'll focus on those, and move on.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Unresolved Issues

24 x 36

Sorry I've been delinquent in posting.  I actually did earlier in the week, but somehow lost it, and just didn't have it in me to redo it.  Also, I've had my new puppy "Crockett" for a week now, and I must admit, I forgot how hard those first few weeks (months) are.  After getting up twice in the night to take him outside to potty, and having him want to play at 5:30 am., I've been exhausted.  We are getting into a routine though, and I really adore him.

This coming week is Spring break for the children.  All three are headed to different places with friends.  Grace and Dixon to Colorado, and Gwynn to the beach.  We have never been much on trips for Spring Break, so we thought we would give in this year.  Me, I'll just have puppy duty.

I must admit, I'm uneasy with sending them away, fearing something will happen to them while they are gone.  I know that anything can happen right here in Madison, and that it is out of my control.  It's still hard though.  Yes, I'll be praying all week for God to protect them and keep them safe.  I guess this is just one more act of faith.  They are God's children and are in His hands.

Maybe I'll get some painting done this week.  I'll be having my first show sometime during the end of April or first of May.  It will be at VIEW GALLERY.  I'll keep you posted.

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