Sweet is not exactly a word that describes me, but my husband set up my blog, and that is what he named it. Seeing that he is my biggest fan, how could I change it?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Over The Top

                                                                   15 x 30 Framed
Madison Central's homecoming is coming up at the end of the month.  In my day, the boy would just call on the phone and ask a girl to the dance.  Today, they all feel the need to ask the girl in some special way.  One young man I know planned a scavenger hunt for his potential date, where at the final destination, he had candles in votives surrounding a sign that said "Homecoming ?"  I saw on Facebook where a friend's child sent a pizza to his date, and inside the pizza box was written "I know this is cheesy, but will you go to homecoming with me?".  Although I think all their invitations are creative and cute, somehow it all makes me feel a little sad.  All of it seems over the top and unnecessary.  Wouldn't just a phone call do?  But, this generation does not know how to use a phone to talk.  They just text and instagram.  I'm scared that we are rearing children that will not know how to communicate with each other.  They all hide behind a text.  I guess that is why it is so important for us to keep communication flowing in the home, in hopes that it will continue when they are among peers and out in the real world.  We thought high school in the 70's was hard, but compared to today, it seemed very simple.

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